

As a human-being, I’m growing in the realization that we are quite  vulnerable out here, adrift on a rock in the universe, and that connecting to God is our greatest and only hope.

Have you noticed that, too?

It baffles the mind, but with love as His ONLY motivation, God wants to be with us… as intensely as we need to be with Him.

If wanting was enough, we would be together. But tragically, it isn’t. Humans are guilty of sin and God is not. Our sin, though it seems normal enough to us, actually condemns us to a permanent and eternal of separation from God. Our death is our payment, each one for his own.

Humans are problem-solvers, and we made our best attempt to reach Him. Guess what we came up with? We invented religion. As if doing a bunch of human things could erase centuries of shame. It has never worked, but we keep it up. It still isn’t working.

God is also a problem-solver. He didn’t ask for religion. He had a better way, a free way, a lasting way, a way without a go-between. It cost Him everything that meant anything to Him…but it’s done now. I suggest we at least consider His solution as an alternative to death.

Here are the basics of the arrangement:

It all hinges on Jesus. His Son. Jesus has always been aware that the love the Father had for us would cost Him greatly. And He was completely willing. He came down here and became a human, but remained sinless. By voluntarily dying a criminal’s death, He paid our death payment. His perfect blood was accepted by the Father. For all of us. Any who would believe. So we can be WITH Him. Now, later, forever.

Ask Him if it’s true, He’ll tell you.

He is ready to forgive your sins and receive you as His son or daughter. He is calling you to be His own, in a way you never have before. You see, you’ve always been His child. He made you and He loves you, but this is a different, new way of relating to Him. This is more like a decision on your part to surrender to His love, and choose Him as your God.

It is like taking your first breath. Breathtaking.

Death was not the end for Jesus Christ. He rose from the grave to new life and returned to Heaven to be with His Father. He sent the  Holy Spirit of God to be down here WITH us. It is important to know that He has never, and will never leave us alone. WITH is a big deal to Him.

Also, Jesus Christ is coming back to this planet oneday, and if you or I die before that happens, we will be immediately transported to be WITH Him in Heaven. No fear of death. Death is the door to new life with God.

Does this news just keep getting better?

While we are here, we can be filled with His Spirit, just ask! We can be changed into someone who closely resembles Jesus. It is God’s will and God’s work.

It is made possible by the gift of God spelled out in this simple verse from the Bible:

“God brought us back to himself through Christ’s death on the cross…He did not hold people’s sins against them. God has trusted us with the message that people may be brought back to him…It is as if God were making his appeal through us…Come back to God!” 2 Corinthians 5:18-20

Ask the Holy Spirit right now to make your heart ready for this beautiful salvation. It is your’s for the asking. Once done, you are WITH Him and He is WITH you.



If you have become connected to God by trusting Jesus Christ for your salvation, please leave the date you made your decision in the comments!